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Psycho Starship Rampage Download Without Verification

About This Game Psycho Starship Rampage : Space Shooter + Rogue = Pimp your starshipYou play the psychotic A.I. of a warship lost in space which tries to come back to Earth. Build your spaceship from scratch. Load it with weapons. And use your creation to destroy waves of innocent aliens throughout numerous levels. Loot their carcasses, extend your ship and jump to the next sector for more action!Key Features:Shoot wave after wave of vicious enemies in horizontal scrolling levelsMany equipments/weapons designed for interaction and combosBuild the ultimate killing machine of your darkest dreamsCrazy and unique local coop with up to 4 players on the same starshipBackgroundYou play RSR-648b, a psychotic warship A.I., who wakes up somewhere in space after a very long hibernation. It needs to rebuild itself and will recycle anything it finds in order to return back to central command. In its madness, every unidentified moving object becomes a potential threat that must be crushed. Can you shoot and loot your way through alien territory and back to Earth ? 1075eedd30 Title: Psycho Starship RampageGenre: Action, IndieDeveloper:Ballistic FrogsPublisher:Ballistic FrogsRelease Date: 28 Sep, 2015 Psycho Starship Rampage Download Without Verification Really wanted this to be a bit more polished than it is, and maybe it's just me, but it falls short for a few simple reasons.The biggest is how you can't save design templates, which can take a long time to get the way you want. If you die, that's it - game over, start from scratch. I've died from some really, really stupid circumstances and buggy physics, too.So what's the point in such a complex customization if you lose your design every time you die? I could see having to save the scrap to remake at least the physical structure in a future run, but anything less I would have assumed would be unthinkable.If this absolutely can't be implemented for whatever strange reason, then there should at LEAST be presets or something equivalent.I've played Gradius, R-Type, Ikaruga, RayForce, Touhou and on and on since I was a child. I'm not new to the genre. At all.I'm using a controller, and PSR STILL feels like you're an ice cube sliding across a floor also covered in ice, shooting at snowflakes. Difficulty spikes and dips violently - it's either a little too easy or murderously hard (and I've tried several different routes with different difficulties). Blueprints are too random, so you're either OP early on or totally underpowered for the majority of a run.There's a way to die without a run immediately ending, and revert to the previous system you were in to choose a different route, but I have no idea how this is triggered and there's no indication of how to earn 'lives' nor is there a counter of any kind. It happened to me once, and I was totally lost as to how it happened.Some blueprints are way, way, way too expensive (I've never even seen what the black hole generator looks like, despite being frugal on scrap expenditure) and once you clear the campaign, your save just loads back to the mission before the end - so that masterpiece you've spent all that time building up and tinkering with basically gets shelved.That's no fun at all.It's an awesome concept. I feel like there was a lot left to experience, but the reward is not commensurate with the investment.The campaign ending is brief but has a shocking and dark twist, hinting at a much deeper universe than we're shown...but there are no achievements or unlocks or anything for clearing it. At all. You would think there would be a NG+ system or something, or maybe a sandbox where you could test wacky builds, but no.I can only hope some of this stuff comes as DLC. I know I would actually pay for it. For what it is, though, I recommend it just for the Saberhagen-esque experience.. I bought thise game later in the day and started playing around midnight. My roommate came in and started watching me and shouting advice. By the time I died the second time and shut the game down after my first real run it was 4am. My roommate then promptly bought, downloaded, and started playing the game.11\/10 would go on a resource rampage erasing civilizations I refuse to acknowledge as sentient again.. A shoot-em-up roguelike with great weapon crafting mechanics and a bizarrely awesome anti-hero storyline. It's got tons of replay value and a really challenging difficulty curve. I love it.Note: Game has controller support, but doesn't seem to work with the Steam Controller unfortunately.. I had I hopes for this SCHMUP when I saw it. I'm a fan of the Genre. It looked very promising to see elements of shipbuilding mixed into the game but I'm having a hard time enjoying some of those features. Mouse support would have been phenomonal and I was a bit dissapointed not to see it. The main feature, ship building, also felt un intuitive which was a bummer. I wanted to like this game. I hope the developers can adress these issues to what is otherwise a very well put together shootemup!. Get it if you- like arcade shooter games- want to customize your spaceship, making extreme tactics valid (ramming, regenerating ship anyone?)- don't mind random spikes in difficulty- rooted for HAL in Space Odyssey, Skynet in the Terminator, and the Borg in Star TrekDon't get if you want - a lot of different enemy types- more realistic or artsy graphics- a good storyline with meaningful choices- true space physics. A Rogue-Like for people who who don't usually like Rogue-Likes

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